PRP Microneedling Vampier Eyes

PRP Microneedling Vampier Eyes

What Is PRP With Microneedling?As time passes, a professional skincare regimen is not enough to keep your skin glowing and protect it from sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. One of the newest and most effective innovations in aesthetics, PRP with microneedling produces dramatic rejuvenation results for many patients.

Some of the benefits of a PRP facial with microneedling include:

  • Eliminating fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improving acne scars and other damage
  • Reducing broken capillaries and spider veins
  • Shrinking pores
  • Evening out the skin tone, including lightening sun spots
  • Smoothing and firming the skin texture
  • Producing an overall healthier glow

Using PRP during microneedling accelerates healing by further stimulating collagen and elastin production. The PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, comes from a small sample of your own blood which is processed to concentrate the plasma and healing properties. The collagen and elastin generated from a PRP microneedling procedure ultimately help regenerate new skin.

PRP with microneedling is a safe regenerative technique to accelerate your natural healing process. Nearly any adult who wants to improve the appearance of their skin is a candidate for the procedure. The depth of the microneedling will be adjusted to your individual needs. You will see the treated area of your skin restore and rejuvenate itself, creating a firmer texture with increased flexibility.

What Should I Expect During PRP With Microneedling?

Before beginning the procedure, we will examine your skin type and condition to determine the appropriate depth of microneedling. From there, a highly trained provider will use tiny needles to create micro-channels and injuries in the skin. We will also numb the area so you do not feel pain. Some patients describe the sensation of microneedling as feeling like sandpaper moving across the skin.

Treatments generally take about an hour. The recovery period is one to three days, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment.You will generally notice immediate results after your treatment, and your skin quality will continue to improve over the next few weeks or months.


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